Wednesday, September 14, 2016

A announcement regarding "South Park" Season 20

Since beginning this blog, I have reviewed each new episode of South Park, usually within 24 hours of airing. However, for the new season starting tonight, I have decided to instead wait to review the season as a whole.

My reasons mostly have to do with the fact that over the last two seasons, the show has transitioned from standalone single-episode plots to season-long storytelling. I've found that series with a continuing narrative lend themselves better to reviews of a complete season than of individual episodes. Simply put, not every part is equal in its completeness or importance; for every "Full Measure" or "Ozymandias," there are bridge, filler, or loose end-tying episodes.

Also, my personal schedule this fall may present uncertainty about whether or not I'll be able to view and review the show on time each week. And for a show that's known for being nearly up-to-the-day in its timeliness, I feel that a late review, even a mere few days late, is already obsolete.

So, I'll be back with a full recap and review at the end of the season, and possibly with one at the halfway point. I'll also share my thoughts on each episode on Twitter when I watch them.

If that's not enough for you, well...