Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Capsule Review: "A Nightmare on Facetime"

Remember the old episode “The Simpsons Already Did It”? Well, tonight’s South Park did another thing Fox’s yellow family already did by spoofing Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining. But this time, Comedy Central’s vulgar cartoon actually did it better than The Simpsons.

The Overlook Hotel is replaced with a video store (remember those?), which Stan’s father Randy buys in a compulsive attempt to run his own business. But the results are much the same as what happened to Jack Nicholson, as the barren emptiness of the obsolete store, coupled with the ghosts of old patrons, drive Randy insane on Halloween night. The almost scene-for-scene parody of Kubrick’s film is spot-on, and the episode hammers the idea that physical movies are obsolete home with a subplot involving the “Redbox Killers,” who rob stores for the cash inside of the Redbox machines (which is a miniscule amount of loose change).

The laughs keep coming in this one, which is a nice rebound from last week. But there’s also a twinge of sad nostalgia for the bygone days of renting movies at the local video store, even though admittedly, the show is right about streaming being cheaper and easier.

The episode also integrates some more recent pop culture, including the four main boys dressing up as The Avengers for Halloween (which makes for some very funny gags) and the iPad (hence, the title). And the way the show incorporates the current “Gangnam Style” craze is quite clever; I bet there will be at least a handful of diehard fans who show up at Halloween parties as “Gangnam-stein” this year.

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