Sunday, November 1, 2015

Coming this Friday: Star Wars rewatch

Starting this week, I'll be revisiting the Star Wars saga leading up to the release of The Force Awakens on December 18.

Join me as I return to that galaxy far, far away with the classic original trilogy, as well as the contentious prequels. And I just might also take a detour to what's considered the absolute nadir of the franchise.

Stay tuned for a new post every Friday beginning this week.


  1. Will you be checking out "The Clone Wars" (the movie or the show)?

    1. No, because I haven't seen nearly enough of the show to give a full analysis. And the movie's basically a long pilot for the show, so there's not much to say about it on its own. Maybe someday, but not as part of this rewatch.

      However, keep an eye out for a review of a different TV property.

    2. The movie is a little bit terrible, mostly disposable, and moderately offensive. It's amazing that the show ended up where it did, because everything the show did right is badly bungled by the Clone Wars movie (case in point, Anakin's apprentice Ahsoka Tano is easily a Top Ten character in the EU [New EU? E-Nu?], but you wouldn't know it from the movie).
